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File:Cobertura logo.png
Cobertura Logo

Cobertura is a code coverage tool for Dart, providing developers with valuable insights into their test suite effectiveness. It measures the percentage of code covered by tests, helping identify areas that require additional testing. By analyzing which parts of the code have been executed during tests, Cobertura aids in assessing the overall quality and reliability of the application.


Cobertura offers a range of features to assist developers in measuring and improving their code coverage:

  • Coverage Metrics: Cobertura generates detailed reports that reveal the amount of code covered by tests. It provides information on line, branch, and method coverage, allowing developers to easily identify areas with low coverage and focus their testing efforts accordingly.
  • Report Visualization: With Cobertura, developers can visualize code coverage data through intuitive and interactive reports. These reports make it easy to navigate through the codebase and detect any gaps in test coverage.
  • Historical Analysis: Cobertura keeps track of code coverage over time, enabling developers to monitor improvements or regressions in test coverage. Historical analysis helps identify trends and provides valuable insights for continuous improvement.
  • Integration with Build Tools: Cobertura seamlessly integrates with build tools commonly used in Dart projects, such as Pub and Grinder. This enables developers to incorporate code coverage analysis into their build process and ensure that coverage is properly assessed after each build.

How Cobertura Works[edit]

Cobertura operates by instrumenting the application's code before execution. It inserts additional tracking code that records which parts of the code have been executed during tests. This information is then used to generate code coverage reports.

The instrumented code keeps track of various coverage metrics, including lines, branches, and methods. Cobertura analyzes these metrics to determine the percentage of code covered by tests and produces detailed reports that developers can use to identify areas requiring further testing.

Cobertura supports different output formats like XML, HTML, and JSON, allowing developers to choose the format that best suits their needs.

Getting Started[edit]

To start using Cobertura in your Dart projects, follow these steps:

1. Add Cobertura as a dev dependency in your pubspec.yaml file: ```dart dev_dependencies:

 cobertura: ^<latest_version>


2. Install the dependencies: ```sh pub get ```

3. Configure Cobertura in your build tool or test runner. Refer to the official documentation for your specific build tool or test runner on how to integrate Cobertura.

4. Run your tests with Cobertura enabled.

5. Analyze the generated code coverage report to identify areas of low coverage and improve your test suite accordingly.

More Information[edit]

To learn more about Cobertura and its features, you can check out the following resources: