Computer Vision with Dart

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Computer Vision with Dart

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Computer Vision with Dart

Computer Vision is a field of study that focuses on enabling computers to obtain high-level understanding from digital images or videos. Computer Vision techniques can be applied in various domains, including object recognition, image classification, video tracking, and augmented reality. The Dart programming language, with its modern syntax and powerful libraries, provides a great platform for building computer vision applications.

Dart Libraries for Computer Vision[edit]

Dart offers several libraries that facilitate computer vision tasks. These libraries provide functionalities for image processing, object detection, and machine learning. Some of the notable libraries used in computer vision development with Dart include:


OpenCV is widely recognized as one of the most comprehensive open-source computer vision libraries. Dart has a wrapper library called `opencv`, which allows developers to utilize OpenCV functionalities within Dart applications.


The `image` library in Dart provides a set of tools and algorithms for image manipulation. It enables developers to load, save, modify, and create images using various operations such as blending, resizing, and filtering.


TensorFlow Lite (TFLite) is a machine learning framework developed by Google. Dart's `tflite` library allows developers to leverage pre-trained neural network models for computer vision tasks without the need for external dependencies.


The `camera` library in Dart provides an interface for working with different camera devices. It allows developers to capture images or video streams from cameras, which is essential for real-time computer vision applications.

Computer Vision Algorithms in Dart[edit]

Dart's expressive syntax and powerful libraries make it a suitable choice for implementing computer vision algorithms. Here are some common computer vision algorithms that can be implemented effectively using Dart:

Object Detection[edit]

Object detection is the process of identifying and localizing objects within an image or video. Dart, with the help of libraries like `opencv`, enables developers to implement object detection algorithms efficiently. Object detection algorithms detect objects and draw bounding boxes around them, enabling computer vision systems to recognize and track objects in real time.

Image Classification[edit]

Image classification is the task of assigning a label or a category to an input image. Dart's `tflite` library allows developers to perform image classification using pre-trained convolutional neural network models. By leveraging machine learning models, Dart can accurately classify images into various categories, making it suitable for real-world image recognition applications.

Image Segmentation[edit]

Image segmentation involves dividing an image into multiple regions or segments to simplify its representation and facilitate further analysis. Dart's `image` library provides algorithms for performing image segmentation tasks such as color-based segmentation, edge detection, and region growing.

Optical Flow[edit]

Optical flow is the pattern of apparent motion of objects, surfaces, and edges in a visual scene caused by the relative motion between an observer and the scene. Dart's libraries, such as `opencv`, enable developers to implement optical flow algorithms for tasks like video stabilization, motion tracking, and gesture recognition.


Computer Vision is an exciting and rapidly evolving field, and Dart offers a solid foundation for developing computer vision applications. With libraries like `opencv`, `image`, `tflite`, and `camera`, developers can leverage Dart's capabilities to implement a wide range of computer vision algorithms. Whether it is object detection, image classification, image segmentation, or optical flow, Dart equips developers with the necessary tools for building robust and efficient computer vision solutions.

See Also: