Dart (programming language)

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Dart (programming language)[edit]

File:Dart logo.png
The Dart programming language logo

Dart is a modern, open-source, and object-oriented programming language created by Google. It was first announced in October 2011 and is designed to be fast, flexible, and optimized for building web and mobile applications.


Dart was developed as an alternative to JavaScript, which has limitations in terms of performance, scalability, and maintainability. Google aimed to provide a language that would address these issues while retaining the familiar syntax of languages like C++ and Java.

The first version of Dart, known as Dart 1.0, was released in November 2013. Since then, the language has gone through several major revisions, with the current stable version being Dart 2.15.


Dart offers a wide range of features that make it highly suitable for building modern applications:

  • Strong Typing: Dart is a statically typed language, meaning variables are explicitly declared with their types. This enables better compile-time error checking and improves overall code reliability.
  • Garbage Collection: Dart incorporates automatic memory management through garbage collection, which helps developers avoid manual memory deallocation and reduces the risk of memory leaks.
  • Just-in-time (JIT) Compilation: Dart uses a JIT compiler, allowing developers to see immediate results during development. This supports rapid experimentation and iteration, making the development process more efficient.
  • Ahead-of-time (AOT) Compilation: In addition to JIT compilation, Dart also supports AOT compilation. This enables developers to precompile their code, resulting in faster startup times and overall performance improvements for deployed applications.
  • Asynchronous Programming: Dart provides built-in support for asynchronous programming using Futures and async/await syntax. This makes it easier to write efficient and performant code for web and mobile applications that rely heavily on non-blocking operations.

Tools and Frameworks[edit]

Dart is supported by a rich ecosystem of tools and frameworks that enhance its development experience:

  • Dart SDK: The Dart Software Development Kit (SDK) provides a comprehensive set of tools, including a compiler, package manager, and analyzer. It also includes a powerful IDE called DartPad for in-browser code experimentation.
  • Flutter: Flutter is an open-source UI toolkit built with Dart, which enables developers to create cross-platform mobile applications. It offers a rich set of pre-built widgets, making UI development faster and more efficient.
  • AngularDart: AngularDart is a framework for building web applications using Dart and Angular. It brings the benefits of Angular's powerful architecture and component-based development to the Dart ecosystem.

Community and Adoption[edit]

Dart has gained significant traction within the developer community and has been adopted by various organizations and projects. Some notable highlights include:

  • Google's internal applications, such as AdWords, AdSense, and Google Fiber, have been built using Dart.
  • The Flutter framework has gained popularity among mobile app developers due to its fast development cycles, cross-platform capabilities, and rich UI experiences.
  • Dart is being used by other major companies like Alibaba, eBay, and Workiva for their application development.


Dart offers a robust and modern programming language for building web and mobile applications. With its strong typing, efficient compilation strategies, and rich ecosystem, Dart provides developers with the necessary tools to create high-performance, scalable, and maintainable codebases.



See Also[edit]