Dart CLI Command Reference

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Dart CLI Command Reference[edit]


The Dart command-line interface (CLI) provides a set of useful commands for managing and working with Dart applications and projects. This reference guide aims to provide detailed information and usage examples for each Dart CLI command.

Global Commands[edit]

The following commands are available globally and can be executed from anywhere on the command line:


The `dart` command is used to execute Dart scripts or run Dart applications.

Example usage: `dart my_script.dart`


The `pub` command is a package manager for Dart. It is used to manage dependencies and publish packages.

Example usage: `pub get` `pub upgrade` `pub publish`

Project-specific Commands[edit]

The following commands are specific to Dart projects and should be executed within the project directory:


The `dartfmt` command is used to automatically format Dart source code according to the Dart style guide.

Example usage: `dartfmt -w lib/`


The `dartanalyzer` command performs static analysis on Dart code to detect potential issues or errors.

Example usage: `dartanalyzer my_file.dart`


The `dartdoc` command generates API documentation for Dart code.

Example usage: `dartdoc`

Testing Commands[edit]

The following commands are used for testing Dart applications and libraries:

dart test[edit]

The `dart test` command runs tests for a Dart package.

Example usage: `dart test`

Additional Commands[edit]

The following commands are not specific to Dart projects, but are commonly used alongside Dart development:


Git is a popular version control system. It is often used to manage repositories for Dart projects.

Example usage: `git clone https://github.com/username/repository.git` `git commit -m "Add new feature"` `git push origin master`


Docker is a platform for containerizing applications. It can be used to create reproducible development environments for Dart projects.

Example usage: `docker build -t my_app .` `docker run my_app`


This Dart CLI Command Reference guide has provided an overview of the most commonly used commands for Dart development. For more information on specific commands or advanced usage, refer to the respective documentation and tutorials on the Dart Wiki.

See also: