Dart CLI Documentation

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Dart CLI Documentation[edit]

The Dart Command Line Interface (CLI) provides a powerful set of tools that facilitate the development, testing, and deployment of Dart applications. The CLI allows developers to interact with the Dart programming language through a command-line interface, enabling efficient workflows and automation of various tasks. This article serves as a comprehensive guide to the Dart CLI, covering its features, commands, and usage.


To use the Dart CLI, you must first install the Dart SDK. Follow the instructions in the Get Dart guide to download and install the SDK on your operating system. Once installed, ensure that the Dart CLI is accessible from the command line by running the `dart --version` command.


The Dart CLI provides a wide range of commands that can assist you throughout the development process. Here are some of the commonly used commands:

  • dart pub: Manages dependencies and packages in your Dart projects.
  • dart run: Runs a Dart script or an application.
  • dart test: Runs tests for your Dart applications.
  • dart format: Formats Dart source code for readability and consistency.
  • dart analyze: Performs static analysis of your Dart code to detect potential issues.
  • dart compile: Compiles Dart code to a standalone executable or a web application.
  • dart doc: Generates API documentation for your Dart packages.

Refer to the Dart Tool documentation for a complete list of available commands and their usage.


The Dart CLI offers various configuration options to customize its behavior. One of the essential configuration files is the `pubspec.yaml` file, which defines your Dart project, its dependencies, and other metadata. Additionally, you can configure the behavior of specific commands using command-line arguments or flags. For example, the `dart run` command can accept arguments to pass inputs to your Dart script.

Visit the Pubspec and Command-line argument guides for detailed information on configuration options.

Additional Resources[edit]

For more information on using the Dart CLI effectively, consider exploring the following resources:

  • Dart Sass: A guide on using the Dart implementation of Sass with the Dart CLI.
  • Dartdoc: A tool for generating documentation from Dart source code.

Explore the Dart guides section on the official Dart website for additional tutorials, tips, and best practices.
