Dart Error Handling

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Dart Error Handling[edit]

Error handling plays a crucial role in any programming language, and Dart is no exception. With Dart's powerful error handling mechanisms, developers can effectively manage and deal with various error scenarios that may occur during program execution. This article will provide an in-depth overview of the error handling capabilities provided by Dart.

Exception Handling[edit]

Dart utilizes exception handling to deal with errors that occur during runtime. Exceptions are objects that represent exceptional conditions that can abort normal program flow. When an exception is thrown, Dart looks for a nearby exception handler (also known as a catch block) to handle the exception and prevent the program from terminating abruptly.

Throwing Exceptions[edit]

Exceptions can be thrown explicitly using the `throw` keyword followed by an instance of an exception class. Dart provides a variety of built-in exception classes, such as `Exception`, `Error`, and `RuntimeException`. Additionally, developers can define their own custom exception classes by extending these base classes.

For example, consider the following code snippet:

```dart void divide(int a, int b) {

 if(b == 0) {
   throw DivideByZeroException();
 } else {
   print(a / b);

} ```

This code throws a `DivideByZeroException` if the second argument is zero.

Catching Exceptions[edit]

To handle exceptions and prevent program termination, Dart provides the `try-catch` statement. The `try` block contains the code that may throw an exception, while the `catch` block handles the exception when it occurs.

```dart try {

 divide(10, 0);

} catch (e) {

 print('An exception occurred: $e');

} ```

In this example, the `catch` block catches and handles the `DivideByZeroException` thrown by the `divide()` function.

Exception Propagation[edit]

Exceptions in Dart can be propagated up the call stack until they are caught and handled. This allows for more flexible error handling, as exceptions can be handled at various levels in the program hierarchy.

Rethrowing Exceptions[edit]

In some cases, it may be necessary to catch an exception, perform some additional processing, and then rethrow the same or a different exception. Dart provides the `rethrow` keyword for this purpose. Rethrowing an exception allows higher levels of the program to handle it appropriately.

```dart void validateAge(int age) {

 try {
   if (age < 0) {
     throw NegativeAgeException();
 } catch (e) {
   // Perform additional validation or logging

} ```

In this example, the `NegativeAgeException` is caught, but then rethrown to be handled by higher-level code.

Cleanup with finally[edit]

The `finally` block is used to specify code that should be executed regardless of whether an exception is thrown or not. This block is useful for performing cleanup operations, such as closing resources or freeing memory.

```dart void processFile() {

 File file = File('example.txt');
 try {
   // Read from the file
 } catch (e) {
   print('An exception occurred: $e');
 } finally {
   file.close(); // Perform cleanup

} ```

In this example, the `finally` block ensures that the file is always closed, even if an exception occurs during file processing.

Asynchronous Error Handling[edit]

Dart provides robust error handling mechanisms for asynchronous programming as well. When working with asynchronous code, developers typically use `Futures` and `Streams` to represent asynchronous operations. Dart's error handling mechanisms seamlessly integrate with these constructs.

Handling Errors in Futures[edit]

When working with a `Future`, errors can be handled using the `catchError` method. This method allows attaching an error handler to a `Future` object, which will be invoked when an error occurs during the execution of the `Future`.

```dart Future<void> fetchData() async {

 try {
   await http.get('https://api.example.com/data');
 } catch (e) {
   print('An error occurred: $e');

} ```

In this example, the `catchError` method is used to handle any errors that occur during the request made using the `http.get()` method.

Handling Errors in Streams[edit]

Similar to `Futures`, errors in `Streams` can be handled using the `listen` method's `onError` parameter. The `onError` callback is invoked when an error occurs during the processing of stream events.

```dart void listenToStream() {

 final stream = Stream<int>.fromIterable([1, 2, 3, 4]);
   (data) => print('Received: $data'),
   onError: (error) => print('An error occurred: $error'),

} ```

In this example, the `onError` callback is used to handle any errors that occur while processing stream events.


Effective error handling is a crucial aspect of any programming language, and Dart provides robust mechanisms for handling exceptions and errors. By utilizing Dart's exception handling capabilities, developers can ensure their programs gracefully handle exceptional conditions and provide better user experiences.

For more information on error handling in Dart, please refer to the following articles on our Wiki:

We hope this article has provided you with valuable insights into error handling in Dart. Happy coding!