Dart Generics

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Dart Generics[edit]

Generics in Dart allows the creation of reusable code components that can work with various types. By using generics, developers can write code that is more type-safe, flexible, and reusable. In this article, we will explore the concept of generics in Dart and how they can be used to improve the quality and efficiency of our code.

Introduction to Generics[edit]

Generics in Dart enable the creation of classes, interfaces, and functions that can operate on different types without sacrificing type safety. By using placeholders for types, known as type parameters, we can write generic code that can be easily reused with different data types.

Generics provide several key benefits:

  • Type Safety: The use of generics ensures that the code is type-safe at compile-time and minimizes the chances of runtime errors related to type mismatch.
  • Reuse and Flexibility: Generic code can be easily reused with different types, allowing for increased flexibility and reducing code duplication.
  • Abstraction: Generics enable the creation of abstract algorithms and data structures that can work with various data types, improving code maintainability and readability.

How Generics Work in Dart[edit]

In Dart, generics are implemented using type variables. Type variables represent unknown types and are specified within angle brackets (\<\>). These type variables can be used as placeholders in class definitions, method signatures, and function arguments.

Let's define a simple generic class called Box to understand the basic syntax:

``` class Box<T> {

 T value;
 T getValue() {
   return value;

} ```

In the above example, the class Box takes a type parameter T, representing the type of value the box will hold. This allows the class to work with different types, such as integers, strings, or custom objects. The T type variable is used within the class to indicate the type of the value property and the return type of the getValue() method.

Using Generics[edit]

Once a generic class or function is defined, it can be instantiated or called with specific types. For example:

``` void main() {

 var intBox = Box<int>(42);
 var stringBox = Box<String>('Hello, World!');
 print(intBox.getValue());    // Output: 42
 print(stringBox.getValue()); // Output: Hello, World!

} ```

In the above code snippet, two instances of the Box class are created: intBox with type int and stringBox with type String. The generic type parameter is specified within angle brackets (\<\>) when creating the instances.

Type Bounds and Constraints[edit]

Dart allows the use of type bounds to restrict the types that can be used with generics. By specifying a type bound, we can ensure that only certain types or their subtypes are valid.

Consider the following example using a generic class with a type bound:

``` class Box<T extends num> {

 T value;
 T getValue() {
   return value;

} ```

In this case, the Box class has a type bound num, which means that the type parameter T must be a subtype of num. This restricts the usage of the generic class to numeric types like int and double.


Generics in Dart provide a powerful tool for creating reusable and type-safe code components. By leveraging type parameters, developers can build flexible and abstract code that can be easily reused with different data types. Understanding and utilizing generics can greatly improve the quality and efficiency of your Dart code.

See Also[edit]