Dart Standard Library

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Dart Standard Library[edit]

The Dart Standard Library is a collection of classes and functions that are included with the Dart programming language. It provides a set of core functionalities and utilities that developers can utilize to streamline their coding process and build robust Dart applications.


The collections module in the Dart Standard Library offers a variety of data structures and algorithms for working with collections of objects. It includes classes such as `List`, `Set`, and `Map` that provide efficient ways to store, manipulate, and iterate over a group of elements.

  • List - Represents an ordered collection of elements.
  • Set - Represents an unordered collection of unique elements.
  • Map - Represents a key-value pair collection, allowing efficient lookup and retrieval operations.

Async Programming[edit]

The Dart Standard Library includes a versatile library for asynchronous programming, which allows developers to write concurrent and non-blocking code more effectively.

  • Future - Represents the result of an asynchronous operation that may eventually complete with a value or an error.
  • Stream - Provides a way to handle a sequence of asynchronous events, allowing for reactive programming style.
  • Completer - A Future that can be completed manually, enabling explicit control over asynchronous operations.

IO and Networking[edit]

The Dart Standard Library provides classes to interact with input/output operations and networking functionalities. These classes simplify file handling, socket programming, and various other IO-related tasks.

  • File - Represents a file on the file system and provides methods for reading, writing, and manipulating files.
  • Directory - Provides access to directory manipulation operations such as listing files, creating directories, and more.
  • HttpClient - Allows making HTTP requests to remote servers and supports various protocols and authentication mechanisms.


Concurrency is a vital aspect of modern application development, and the Dart Standard Library offers features to facilitate concurrent programming.

  • Isolate - Provides a way to execute code in a separate isolate, enabling true parallelism and isolation of state.
  • Lock - A low-level synchronization primitive for managing access to shared resources in a multi-threaded environment.
  • Semaphore - A synchronization tool that allows multiple threads to access a shared resource concurrently.


The Dart Standard Library also includes a range of utility classes and functions that are commonly used during development.

  • Math - Provides mathematical operations and functions, such as trigonometric functions, logarithms, and more.
  • String - Offers methods for manipulating and working with strings, including concatenation, searching, and manipulation.
  • DateTime - Represents dates and times and provides methods for handling and manipulating temporal data.


The Dart Standard Library is an essential component of the Dart programming language, providing a wide range of classes and functions that simplify various programming tasks. By leveraging the capabilities of the standard library, developers can write efficient, maintainable, and powerful Dart applications.