Dart Style Guide

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Dart Style Guide[edit]

This Dart Style Guide serves as a comprehensive resource for developers to follow coding conventions and best practices in the Dart programming language. By adhering to these guidelines, developers can write clean, maintainable, and consistent code, facilitating collaboration and improving code readability.

Table of Contents[edit]



The formatting guidelines in this section outline the recommended rules for code organization, indentation, spacing, and line length.


Dart code should be indented using two spaces. Avoid using tabs for indentation.

Line Length[edit]

Limit each line to a maximum of 80 characters. When necessary, break long lines by using appropriate line continuation techniques.

Naming Conventions[edit]

Choose descriptive and meaningful names for variables, methods, classes, and other code elements. Use camel case for variable and function names, and capitalize the first letter of class names.

Code Organization[edit]

Keep code organized and maintainable by following these guidelines:


- Group imports into three sections: Dart imports, package imports, and local imports. - Alphabetize imports within each section. - Use 'show' or 'hide' clauses when importing from a library to avoid polluting the namespace.

Classes and Functions[edit]

- Place each class and function in its own file, if possible. - Define private members by prefixing an underscore ('_') to their names.


Writing clear and concise documentation is essential for ensuring code comprehensibility and maintenance. Follow these guidelines for documenting Dart code:

- Include comments to describe the purpose and behavior of your code. - Document classes, methods, and parameters using Dartdoc syntax. - Use the triple-slash (`///`) comment style for documenting APIs.

Error Handling[edit]

Proper error handling is crucial for writing robust and reliable Dart code. Follow these guidelines to handle errors effectively:

- Use exceptions to indicate exceptional situations. - Catch specific exceptions rather than using general catch statements. - Provide informative error messages when throwing exceptions.

Best Practices[edit]

In addition to formatting and documentation, following best practices can lead to more efficient and maintainable Dart code. Here are some recommendations:

- Prefer the use of final and const when appropriate to signify immutability. - Use null-aware operators to handle nullable values. - Avoid using raw types. Always specify the type argument when using generics.


This Dart Style Guide provides a comprehensive set of guidelines for writing clean, consistent, and maintainable Dart code. By following these best practices, developers can improve code readability, facilitate collaboration, and ensure the quality of their Dart projects.

For more information on specific topics, refer to the following articles within the Dart Wiki:

- Dart Style Guide/Formatting - Dart Style Guide/Naming Conventions - Dart Style Guide/Documentation - Dart Style Guide/Error Handling - Dart Style Guide/Best Practices - Dart Style Guide/Code Organization

By consistently adhering to the guidelines presented in this style guide, developers can produce code that is easier to read, understand, and maintain. Happy coding in Dart!

