Dart Testing Frameworks

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Dart Testing Frameworks[edit]


Dart is a versatile programming language that provides various testing frameworks to aid developers in creating robust and reliable software applications. Testing frameworks play a crucial role in the development process as they enable developers to automate the testing of their code to ensure its correctness and detect any potential bugs or issues.

In this article, we will explore some of the popular Dart testing frameworks that can be utilized to test your Dart applications. These frameworks provide a range of features and capabilities, allowing developers to write comprehensive test suites and improve the overall quality of their code.


unittest is a fundamental testing framework that comes bundled with the Dart SDK. It offers a simple and easy-to-use API for writing unit tests in Dart. unittest provides features such as test grouping, assertions, and test case setup/teardown.

Test Suites[edit]

With unittest, you can organize your tests into test suites, which help structure and manage your test cases. Test suites in unittest are defined using the `group` function:

```dart group('Group Name', () {

 // Test cases go here

}); ```


unittest provides a variety of built-in assertions to verify conditions and expectations within your test cases. Some of the commonly used assertions include:

  • `expect`: Asserts that a certain expression is true.
  • `expectEquals`: Asserts that two objects are equal.
  • `expectNotNull`: Asserts that an object is not null.
  • `expectThrows`: Asserts that a certain expression throws an exception.


```dart import 'package:test/test.dart';

void main() {

 test('String length test', () {
   expect('Hello'.length, equals(5));
 test('List length test', () {
   var list = [1, 2, 3];
   expect(list.length, equals(3));

} ```

In this example, we import the `test` function from `package:test/test.dart` and define two test cases using the `test` function. Each test case verifies a specific condition using the `expect` assertion.


moor_test is a testing library specifically designed for unit and integration testing of databases created using the moor package in Dart. It provides utilities and tools to write tests for database-related code.

Database Testing[edit]

With moor_test, you can easily set up and interact with a test database for testing purposes. The library offers dedicated classes and functions to handle database synchronization, create and update database schemas, and perform queries.


```dart import 'package:moor_test/moor_test.dart';

void main() {

 test('Insertion test', () async {
   final db = await createMoorTestDatabase();
   await db.into(db.todos).insert(TodosCompanion(
     title: Value('Test todo'),
     completed: Value(false),
   final todos = await db.getAllTodos();
   expect(todos.length, equals(1));

} ```

In this example, we import the `moor_test` package and use the `createMoorTestDatabase` function to create a test database. We then insert a new todo item into the database and verify its presence using the `expect` assertion.


Mockito is a powerful mocking framework for Dart that allows you to create and configure mock objects for testing purposes. It simplifies the process of creating fake dependencies and behavior verification.

Creating Mocks[edit]

Using Mockito, you can create mock objects by calling the `Mockito.mock` function and specifying the desired type of the mock:

```dart final mockObject = Mockito.mock(TypeToMock); ```

Mocking Behavior[edit]

Once a mock object is created, you can define its behavior by stubbing methods and specifying return values using the `when` function:

```dart Mockito.when(mockObject.method()).thenReturn(value); ```


```dart import 'package:mockito/mockito.dart';

class ExampleClass {

 int getValue() {
   return 42;


void main() {

 test('Mockito test', () {
   final mock = Mockito.mock(ExampleClass);
   final example = ExampleClass();
   expect(example.getValue(), equals(99));

} ```

In this example, we create a mock object for the `ExampleClass` and specify that the `getValue` method should return 99 instead of its actual implementation. We then instantiate an instance of `ExampleClass` and test its behavior using the `expect` assertion.

Test-Driven Development (TDD)[edit]

Test-Driven Development is a software development approach that emphasizes writing tests before implementing the corresponding code. By following TDD principles, developers can ensure that their code is thoroughly tested and meets the desired functionality.

The Dart testing frameworks discussed in this article can be effectively utilized in a TDD environment by writing tests first, then implementing the code to satisfy those tests. This ensures a comprehensive test suite and helps maintain code quality throughout the development process.


Dart offers a range of testing frameworks that empower developers to write tests and validate their code effectively. The unittest framework provides a simple yet powerful API for writing unit tests. moor_test aids in testing database-related code created using the moor package. Mockito simplifies the creation of mock objects and mocking of behavior. By employing these frameworks and following TDD principles, developers can enhance the reliability and maintainability of their Dart applications.

For more information on testing concepts and best practices, refer to the following articles on our Dart Wiki:

Ensure that you explore these topics to fully leverage the capabilities of Dart testing frameworks and make the most out of your testing efforts.