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UI (User Interface) Tutorial

UI (User Interface) plays a crucial role in creating interactive and visually appealing applications. This tutorial will guide you through the basics of working with UI in Flame, a powerful and flexible game engine for Dart.

Creating a UI Widget[edit]

To begin, let's create our first UI widget. Widgets are the building blocks of any UI in Flame. They can represent buttons, labels, images, and more.

To create a new UI widget, extend the `Widget` class and override the `render` method. This method is responsible for rendering the widget on the screen.

Here's an example of a simple `TextWidget` that displays a text on the screen:

```dart class TextWidget extends Widget {

 String text;
 void render(Canvas canvas) {
   final textPaint = Paint()..color = Colors.black;
   final textSpan = TextSpan(text: text, style: TextStyle(fontSize: 20));
   final textPainter = TextPainter(
     text: textSpan,
     textAlign: TextAlign.center,
     textDirection: TextDirection.ltr,
   textPainter.paint(canvas, Offset(0, 0));

} ```

Using the UI Widget[edit]

Now that we have our `TextWidget`, let's see how we can use it in our application.

```dart class Game extends BaseGame {

 TextWidget textWidget;
 Future<void> onLoad() async {
   textWidget = TextWidget("Hello, World!");

} ```

In this example, we create an instance of `TextWidget`, passing the desired text as a parameter. Then, we add the widget to the game using the `add` method.

Interacting with UI Widgets[edit]

To make our UI widgets interactive, we need to handle user input. Flame provides various input events that allow us to respond to user actions.

For example, to handle a button press, we can listen for the `TapDownEvent` event and check if the touch position overlaps with the button's boundaries.

```dart class ButtonWidget extends Widget {

 String label;
 bool isPressed = false;
 void render(Canvas canvas) {
   // Render button based on the state
 bool onTapDown(TapDownDetails details) {
   final touchPosition = details.globalPosition;
   if (bounds.contains(touchPosition)) {
     isPressed = true;
     // Execute button action
     return true;
   return false;

} ```

In this example, we override the `onTapDown` method to handle button taps. If the touch position falls within the button's boundaries, we set the `isPressed` flag and execute the desired action.


With the knowledge gained in this UI tutorial, you can now start creating interactive and visually appealing applications using Flame and Dart. Experiment with different widgets and input events to build engaging user interfaces.

For more information, check out the following articles on our Dart Wiki:

  • Flame/Components - Learn about the various components available in Flame.
  • Flame/Animations - Dive into the animation capabilities of Flame.
  • Flame/Audio - Explore how to incorporate sound effects and music in your Flame projects.

Stay tuned for more tutorials and updates on Flame's UI capabilities!