Getting Started with Dart

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Getting Started with Dart[edit]

File:Dart logo.svg

Welcome to the "Getting Started with Dart" page of the Dart Wiki! If you're new to the Dart programming language, this page will guide you through the initial steps to start your journey with Dart.

Installing Dart[edit]

To begin, you need to install Dart on your computer. Follow the steps below:

1. Visit the official Dart website. 2. Choose the appropriate installation method for your operating system. 3. Download and install Dart on your machine. 4. Verify the installation by opening a terminal or command prompt and running the following command:

``` dart --version ```

If everything installed correctly, you should see the version of Dart you installed.

Dart Editor[edit]

Dart provides an official integrated development environment (IDE) called Dart Editor. It offers a comprehensive set of tools for developing Dart applications efficiently. Follow the steps below to get started with Dart Editor:

1. Visit the official Dart Editor page. 2. Download and install Dart Editor on your computer. 3. Launch Dart Editor and familiarize yourself with its features and interface.

Dart SDK[edit]

Apart from Dart Editor, Dart also provides a standalone software development kit (SDK) that includes a set of command-line tools for Dart development. The SDK is useful for those who prefer other code editors or IDEs instead of Dart Editor. Follow these steps to set up the Dart SDK:

1. Visit the official Dart SDK page. 2. Download the Dart SDK package for your operating system. 3. Extract the downloaded package to a desired location. 4. Configure the environment variables appropriately.

Writing Your First Dart Program[edit]

Now that you have Dart installed, let's write a simple "Hello, World!" program.

Create a new Dart file, typically with a `.dart` extension, and open it in your preferred code editor or IDE. Type the following code:

```dart void main() {

 print('Hello, World!');

} ```

Save the file and run it using the `dart` command or the integrated Dart tools in your IDE. You should see the output `Hello, World!` printed in the console.

Dart Resources[edit]

To further enhance your Dart skills, check out these additional resources:

  • Dart Documentation - Official documentation for Dart.
  • Dart Tutorials - Step-by-step tutorials to guide you through Dart development.
  • - Official Dart package repository containing libraries and packages developed by the Dart community.
  • Stack Overflow - A question and answer community for Dart-related queries.

These resources will help you deepen your understanding of Dart and provide assistance when needed.

Congratulations on taking the first steps in becoming proficient with Dart! With its fast performance and flexible features, Dart enables you to build robust applications. Explore further, experiment, and utilize the vast possibilities offered by Dart!