Dart Development Environment Setup

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Dart Development Environment Setup[edit]


To set up your development environment for Dart programming, you will need to install the necessary tools. Follow the steps below for your operating system:


  1. Download the Dart SDK installer from the website.
  2. Run the installer and follow the prompts to complete the installation.
  1. Add the Dart SDK to your system's PATH variable:
    • Open the System Control Panel.
    • Click on the Advanced system settings link.
    • Click on the Environment Variables button.
    • In the System Variables section, select the Path variable and click Edit.
    • Add the path to the Dart SDK installation directory (e.g., C:\dart\dart-sdk\bin) to the list of paths, and click OK.


  1. Download the Dart SDK for macOS from the website.
  2. Open the downloaded file and follow the installation instructions.
  1. Add the Dart SDK to your system's PATH variable:
    • Open a Terminal window.
    • Execute the following command, replacing $HOME with your home directory path:
  2. echo 'export PATH="$PATH":"$HOME/dart-sdk/bin"' >> ~/.bash_profile


  1. Download the Dart SDK for Linux from the website.
  2. Extract the downloaded archive to a location of your choice.
  1. Add the Dart SDK to your system's PATH variable:
    • Open a Terminal window.
    • Execute the following command, replacing <dart-sdk-path> with the path to the extracted Dart SDK directory:
  2. echo 'export PATH="$PATH:<dart-sdk-path>/bin"' >> ~/.bashrc


To verify that your Dart SDK installation was successful, open a Terminal or Command Prompt window and execute the following command:

dart --version

You should see the version number of the Dart SDK printed to the console if the installation was successful.

Integrated Development Environments (IDEs)[edit]

There are several popular IDEs that provide excellent support for Dart development. Some of them include:

You can choose the IDE that best suits your needs and preferences. Follow the installation instructions provided by the respective IDE for your operating system.

Editor Plugins[edit]

If you prefer to use a lightweight text editor for programming, you can still benefit from various Dart-related plugins. Here are some popular options:

Install the relevant plugin for your preferred editor.


By following the steps outlined in this article, you should now have a fully functional Dart development environment. You can start coding Dart applications, explore the language features, and contribute to the Dart community. Happy coding!

See Also[edit]